Displaying items by tag: pricing

Wednesday, 28 May 2014 10:15


Prices for NHS Dental Treatments

Any treatment offered (either NHS or private) will be estimated, discussed and agreed with you in advance.

Depending on your circumstances you may be exempt from NHS charges. NHS treatment is FREE for:

  • Everyone aged under 26.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers until the baby is 12 months old.
  • Those with certified exemption due to income.

Please ask reception staff for more details.

Typical common charges are as follows and can be made by cash or
debit/credit card:

  • Check up - £0.00
  • Check up and 2 routine X-Rays - £11.04
  • Check up, enhanced preventive advice ond preventive treatments - £15.68
  • Emergency assessment and some emergency treatments - £15.68
  • Re-cement of crown - £15.68
  • Check up, oral hygiene and one session of deep gum treatment - £32.24
  • Review of gum health - £0.00
  • Check up, preventive advice, two small x-rays, one tooth extraction ond large metal filling on back tooth - £82.68
  • Emergency appointment and one tooth extraction - £28.84
  • Check up, 2 small x-rays root canal treatment and crown - £255.24-£384.00
  • Check up and full set of upper and lower dentures with special trays - £344.32-£384.00
  • Denture repair - £50.88
  • Check up, one small x·ray, one tooth extraction and f,t of a single tooth denture - £151.40
  • Check up, one small x-ray, study models (casts of teeth), and three tooth bridge - £384.00
  • Maximum patient charge for one course of treatment - £384.00
Published in Information