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Why us?

  • Andrew McCulloch
    Andrew McCulloch

    Great friendly dentist, from someone who is really nervous of dentist performed 2 procedures with no fuss and was very reassuring the whole time.

    Andrew McCulloch
  • Teresa Joyce
    Teresa Joyce

    First visit here this morning ... Never have I been put so at ease and listened to and treated as an individual with a huge fear of dentists .. Thank you.

    Teresa Joyce
  • Lhanna Frost
    Lhanna Frost

    I've been terrified of dentists for the past few years - these guys made me feel calm and relaxed which is hard to do! 
    Treatment plan was simple, concise and very reasonably priced. Never been happier with any other dentist, and would highly recommend the team for a stressless, pain free and relaxed dental visit. Definitely a customer for life now.

    Lhanna Frost
  • Robert Thomson
    Robert Thomson

    “Thanks for another year of fantastic dental care, from the moment a patient enters your surgery they are acknowledged, welcomed and put at ease. Add to that the first class dental work/care when needed and you have a very happy patient. Thanks especially to my dentist Mr Kar for keeping a smile on my face. I wish all the reception staff and dentists at surgery a Very Merry Christmas hope you all get what you hope for at Christmas and enjoy your short break.”

    Robert Thomson

Information (9)

Saturday, 26 November 2022 08:00

Cancellation Policy

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This policy is in place to avoid scheduling problems, allowing us to schedule in patients who may be in urgent need of care. This allows us to continue giving dental treatment without interference for all our patients.

  • If your appointment time has become inconvenient for you, we are happy to cancel or change this with at least 24 hours notice.
  • Failure to provide us with 24 hours advance notice or failure to attend will incur a charge of £15 for every 15 minutes of appointment time.
  • This charge will need to be paid before any future appointments are scheduled.
  • If you miss more than 2 appointments, we may no longer be able to offer you treatment
Tuesday, 05 March 2019 13:53

Cookie Policy

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Cookies Policy

Last updated: January 01, 2019

Anniesland Essential Dental Care ("us", "we", or "our") uses cookies on the annieslanddentist.co.uk website (the "Service"). By using the Service, you consent to the use of cookies.

Our Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, how third-parties we may partner with may use cookies on the Service, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies.

What are cookies

Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your web browser by a website you visit. A cookie file is stored in your web browser and allows the Service or a third-party to recognize you and make your next visit easier and the Service more useful to you.

Cookies can be "persistent" or "session" cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your personal computer or mobile device when you go offline, while session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your web browser.

How Anniesland Essential Dental Care uses cookies

When you use and access the Service, we may place a number of cookies files in your web browser.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • To enable certain functions of the Service

  • To provide analytics

We use both session and persistent cookies on the Service and we use different types of cookies to run the Service:

  • Essential cookies. We may use cookies to remember information that changes the way the Service behaves or looks, such as a user's language preference on the Service.

  • Analytics cookies. We may use analytics cookies to track information how the Service is used so that we can make improvements. We may also use analytics cookies to test new advertisements, pages, features or new functionality of the Service to see how our users react to them.

Third-party cookies

In addition to our own cookies, we may also use various third-parties cookies to report usage statistics of the Service, deliver advertisements on and through the Service, and so on.

What are your choices regarding cookies

If you'd like to delete cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser.

Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or refuse to accept them, you might not be able to use all of the features we offer, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our pages might not display properly.

Where can you find more information about cookies

You can learn more about cookies and the following third-party websites:

Wednesday, 08 February 2017 01:05

Complaints Resolution Policy

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At Anniesland Essential Dental Care our aim is to give the best possible care and treatment to our patients. All feedback, comments, concerns and complaints about our services are encouraged and welcomed from our patients and are viewed as a positive way of looking at what we do and making changes to improve our service to you.

Feedback and Complaints Officers

The practice Feedback and Complaints Officers are is Mr. H. Halavat-Kar (Practice Principal) and Mrs M. Motamed (Practice Manager), Anniesland Essential Dental Care , 972-974 Crow Road, Glasgow G13 1JN, Tel: 0141 959 4163, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They are responsible for the management and handling of feedback, comments, concerns and complaints and for seeing complaints through to resolution.

Feedback, Comments and Concerns

Our patients have the right to give feedback, make comments and express concerns, which we encourage to be expressed by using one of the following methods:

  • in person
  • by telephone
  • online
  • in writing, or
  • by using the practice suggestion box.

We also employ a patient survey/questionnaire to monitor our service. Our aim is to sort out any concerns patients may have on the spot, however if this is not possible, you have the opportunity to speak to an appropriate member of staff or the practice’s Feedback and Complaints Officer, especially if the views expressed should be dealt with as a complaint (see below). Feedback from patients will be documented, reviewed and discussed at practice meetings and used to improve the services we provide.

Complaints about NHS Treatment

Our patients have the right to make complaints about

  • the NHS care or treatment they have had or are having at the practice
  • the practice services or facilities
  • a member of staff
  • how services in the local area are organised if this has affected their care or treatment.

Patients cannot make a complaint:

  • about anything they are taking legal action about. NB: we always offer to resolve a complaint through the complaints procedure before legal action commences.
  • to request a second opinion in respect of care or treatment
  • about a previously conducted complaint, or a request to have a complaint reconsidered where we have already given a final decision.

Anyone such as a parent, guardian, carer, relative, friend or MSP may raise a complaint on behalf of a patient, provided they have the patient’s permission to do so. Situations where consent or permission from the patient may not be needed could be if the complaint is on behalf of a child, or if the patient is not able to make this complaint themselves or are unable to provide consent. 

Complaints must normally be made within 6 months of the event the patient wants to complain about, or the patient finding out that he/she has reason to complain, but no longer than 12 months after the event itself.

In exceptional circumstances, we may be able to accept a complaint after the time limit. If a patient feels the time limit should not apply to their complaint they will need to tell us why. If we decide that, because of the time that has passed since the incident occurred, we cannot consider the complaint, the patient can ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to review our decision.

Patients can complain to the practice in person, by phone, or in writing. If the patient intends to e-mail or fax their complaint, please be advised that other people may be able to see their personal information.

If you wish not to complain directly to the practice, details of the practice’s complaints procedure and the contact details of the practice’s Feedback and Complaints Officer, Greater Glasgow and Clyde Feedback and Complaints Team and the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) are provided on a poster in the waiting room as well as below.

Complaining on behalf of a patient

Someone can make a complaint on behalf of a patient where they:

  • Have the patient’s consent to complain - we may require this in writing;
  • Are a parent, guardian or main carer of a child and the child is not mature enough to understand how to complain;
  • Have a welfare power of attorney or a welfare guardianship order for someone who cannot make decisions for themselves, and the order specifies that they have the power to make a complaint about healthcare;
  • Are a relative of, or had a relationship with, a patient who has died and they are concerned about how their relative was treated before they died; or
  • Are acting as an advocate for the patient.

Complaints Procedure

We aim to deal with all complaints promptly, courteously and efficiently and preferably on-the-spot. If complaints cannot be dealt with on-the-spot, we have a two-stage complaints handling procedure:

  • Stage 1: Early Stage resolution
  • Stage 2: Investigation

We will always consider if a complaint can be dealt with at Stage 1. However, if we think the complaint is too complex or serious and clearly needs to be investigated, we will go straight to Stage 2. Patients also have the right to ask for an Investigation (without going through Stage 1).

Complaints about private treatment

We follow the same complaints procedure for complaints about private treatment. However, if you require help with making a complaint, or if you are not satisfied with our response to their complaint, the Dental Complaints Service (a department of the General Dental Council) offers a complaints resolution service for private dental patients and dentists (see Contacts).

Change of mind

Patients can change their mind about making a complaint at any time. They can do this in writing or by phone.

If you are still not happy with our response to your complaint

If you are still not happy with our response, or if you are not happy with the way we are dealing with your complaint, e.g. if you think we are taking too long, you can ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to consider your complaint further.

We hope that you will use our Practice Complaints Procedure. We believe this will provide the best chance of resolving the complaint, and an opportunity for us to improve our practice to prevent the same complaint being repeated.

If you feel that you are dissatisfied with the results of our investigation, or wish to make your complaint outside the local resolution procedures, then the complaint may be taken to:

Patient Advice and Support Service

available via Citizens Advice Scotland. http://www.patientadvicescotland.org.uk

NHS Inform

Helpline 0800 22 44 88 (textphone 18001 0800 22 44 88); www.nhsinform.co.uk; the Looking Local iPhone app; NHSScotland’s Digital TV Service (Sky and Virgin Media).

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Feedback and Complaints Manager:

Complaint Officer, JB Russell House, Gartnavel Royal Hospital Campus, 1055 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G12 0XH, Tel: 0141 201 4550

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)

Bridgeside House, 99 McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NS
Tel.: 0800 377 7330
Open from 9.00am – 5.00pm (Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri), from 10.00am – 5.00pm (Tue)

General Dental Services (for complaints about private treatment)

Dental Complaints Service
Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Tel.: 08456 120 540 at local rate (Mon-Fri, 9.00am – 5.00pm)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 18 March 2016 22:11

Freedom of Information

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Guide to Information available through the Model Publication Scheme 2014.

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 requires Scottish public authorities to produce and maintain a publication scheme. Authorities are under a legal obligation to:

  • publish the classes of information that they make routinely available
  • tell the public how to access the information and what it might cost

Anniesland Essential Dental Care has adopted the Model Publication Scheme 2014 produced by the Scottish Information Commissioner. The scheme has the Commissioner’s approval until 31 May 2018.

The purpose of this Guide to Information is to:

  • allow you to see what information is available (and what is not available) in relation to each class of information
  • state what charges may be applied for supplying information
  • explain how you can find the information easily
  • provide contact details for enquiries and to get help with accessing the information
  • explain how to request information we hold that has not been published

Accessing information under this scheme

The information we publish through the model scheme is, wherever possible, available on our website www.AnnieslandDentist.co.uk, by email and at the practice. We offer alternative arrangements for people who do not want to, or cannot, access the information online or by inspection at the practice. For example, we can usually arrange to send information to you in paper copy, although there may be a charge for this (see Charges section below). Information can be requested from us by telephone or in writing using the contact details provided (see Contact Us section below).

When writing to us to request information, please include your name and address and full details of the information or documents you would like to receive. Please also include a telephone number so we can call you to clarify any details, if necessary.

Advice on requesting information not detailed in this Guide to Information can be found in Appendix I ‘How to access information which is not available under this publication scheme’.

Exempt information

We will publish the information we hold that falls within the classes of information below. If a document contains information that is exempt under The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), we may remove or redact the information before publication but we will explain why. Examples of exempt information include requests for information that is contained in patient dental records (although you do have the right to request your own dental records under the Data Protection Act 1998), requests for information relating to private income of practice partners or practice staff and requests for financial information that would likely prejudice substantially the commercial interests of any person.


Where Anniesland Essential Dental Care holds the copyright in its published information, the information may be copied or reproduced without formal permission, provided it is copied or reproduced accurately, is not used in a misleading context and provided that the source of the material is identified.

The copyright for some of the information referred to in this guide is not held by Anniesland Essential Dental Care. This should be apparent from the documents. It is the responsibility of the person accessing the information to locate and seek the permission of the copyright holder before reproducing the material or in any other way breaching the rights of the copyright holder.


Unless otherwise stated in the Classes of Information section below, all information contained within our Guide to Information is available from us free of charge, where it can be downloaded from our website, sent to you electronically by email, or accessed at the practice premises.

We reserve the right to impose charges for providing information in paper copy or on computer disc. Charges will reflect the actual costs of reproduction and postage to the practice, as set out below. In the event that a charge is to be levied, you will be advised of the charge and how it has been calculated. Information will not be provided to you until payment has been received.

Reproduction costs:

Where charges are applied, photocopied information will be charged at a standard rate of 10p per A4 paper (black and white copy) and 30p per A4 paper (colour copy). Computer discs will be charged at the rate of £1 per CD-Rom.

Postage costs:

We will pass on postage charges to the requester at the cost to the practice of sending the information by first class post.

Contact Us

You can contact us for assistance with any aspect of this publication scheme:

Anniesland Essential Dental Care
972-974 Crow Road
Glasgow G13 1JN
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0141 959 4163

We will also be pleased to advise you how to ask for information that we do not publish (also see Appendix I), or how to complain if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of this publication scheme.

About Anniesland Essential Dental Care

Anniesland Essential Dental Care is owned and operated by Mr. H. Halavar-Kar and the premises are owned by Mrs. Ann Cullis The dentists working at the premises are Mr. H. Halavat-Kar and Mr. F.H. Zubair The practice is also staffed by two qualified dental nurses and a practice manager.

We operate as a general dental practice providing dental treatment as independent contractors under NHS terms of service and private treatment, for adults and children. We offer the following services: general dental services We also provide a referral service for other treatments if required.

We claim fees for NHS patients according to the current system (Statement of Dental Remuneration, SDR) set by the government, depending on patient class and exemptions. We are paid monthly fees for the number of patients we have registered and claim fees for individual items of treatment. There are also some allowances available for such things as continuing professional development, audit, rent, rates and practice improvements based on the percentage of NHS care we provide. Out of this income, and income from private treatments, the practice pays the full cost of providing care, including the provision of the building, equipment, materials and staff.

Our standards are assured by NHS regulations relating to our participation in clinical governance, clinical audit and peer review, and by the General Dental Council (GDC) Standards for the Dental Team and requirements for continuing professional development. Our care and treatment are also inspected by the Dental Reference Service of the Scottish Dental Practice Board and our practice is inspected every three years by Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board.

The Classes of Information that we publish

We publish information that we hold within the classes of information listed below, in accordance with the Model Publication Scheme 2014 Once information is published under a class we will continue to make it available for the current and previous two financial years. Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available. If you would like to see previous versions, you may make a request to us for that information.

CLASS 1: ABOUT Anniesland Essential Dental Care

Class description:
Information about Anniesland Essential Dental Care who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

1. Name, address, contact details

‘Contact Us’ section above, practice website www.AnnieslandDentist.co.uk and Patient Information Leaflet

2. Practice opening hours

Practice website www.AnnieslandDEntist.co.uk and Patient Information Leaflet

3. Organisational structure: Mr. H. Halavat-Kar as practice owner and Mrs, Ann Cullis as premises owner

‘About Anniesland Essential Dental Care section above and at practice

4. Legal/contractual framework for the practice: NHS terms of service

‘About Anniesland Essential Dental Care section above, The National Health Service (General Dental Services)(Scotland) Regulations 2010

5. Standards

‘About Anniesland Essential Dental Care section above, GDC standards displayed at practice,  NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (2006) Dental Services Standards

6. Reports to regulators and internal and external audits: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) declaration of hours to GDC, audit records, practice inspection completion letter etc   

At practice

7. Strategic planning processes: continuity planning, risk management etc

Policies available at practice

8. Contact details for customer care and complaints

See 1. in this class

9. Model Publication Scheme and Guide to Information

Practice website www.AnnieslandDentist.co.uk at practice and available on the Scottish Information Commissioner’s website

10. Charging schedule for published information

‘Charges’ section above

11. Charging schedule for environmental information not available through this publication scheme

Appendix I below

12. Advice about how to request information

‘Accessing information under this scheme’ section above


Class description:
Information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering functions and services and information for our patients.

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

1. Description of practice functions and services, including statutory basis for them

‘About Anniesland Essential Dental Care‘ section above, Patient Information Leaflet and at practice

2. Strategies, policies and internal staff procedure for performing statutory functions: record keeping, infection control policy etc

At practice

3. How to report a concern to the practice

Practice complaints procedure at practice

4. Information for patients, including how to access services

‘Contact Us’ section above, practice website www.AnnieslandDentist.co.uk and Patient Information Leaflet

5. Treatment fees and charges: cost of NHS treatment set by government, entitlement to exemption and remission from NHS dental charges, private charges etc

Practitioner Services Division website, current SDR, practice website www.AnnieslandDentist.co.uk and at practice


Class description:
Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions and how we involve others

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

1. Decisions taken by the practice: agendas, reports, papers, and minutes of meetings (that do not contain confidential patient information) etc

At practice

2. Decisions are informed by referring to national guidance and current Scottish Government guidelines

General Dental Council (GDC), Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP), Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN) and British Dental Association (BDA) websites

3. Patient consultation and feedback: patient experience surveys and feedback

At practice


Class description:
Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources (in sufficient detail to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent).

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

1. Details of  NHS funding

‘About Anniesland Essential Dental Care‘ section above

2. Purchase of equipment and supplies: Henry Schein, Sparkle Dental Lab, G. M. Dental, NASH, Southside Lab

At practice


Class description:
Information about how we manage the human, physical and information resources of Anniesland Essential Dental Care

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

1. Human resources policies, procedures and guidelines: recruitment, performance management, pensions, discipline, grievance, staff development etc

Policies available at practice

2. Management of the practice premises: Factor: Redpath Bruce, 103 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 2DQ

‘About Anniesland Essential Dental Care‘ section above, at practice

3. Premises maintenance arrangements: Premise maintenance contracts

At practice

4. Equipment maintenance arrangements: Equipment service contracts

At practice

5. Records management policy: Data Protection, Confidentiality and Information Security Policy

At practice


Class description:
Information about how we procure goods and services, and our contracts with external providers

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

1. List of suppliers: Henry Schein, Sparkle Dental Lab, G. M. Dental, NASH, Southside Lab

At practice

2. Procurement policies and procedures

At practice


Class description:
Information about how we perform as an organisation, and how well we deliver our functions and services

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

1. External reports, reports for NHS boards, annual reports, and performance statements: See Health Board practice inspection completion letter

At practice

2. Patient feedback: patient experience surveys and other feedback

At practice


Class description:
Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g. bookshop, museum or research journal.

The information we publish under this class

How to access it

We do not hold this information

Not applicable

Friday, 18 March 2016 21:45

Privacy Policy

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Your dental records

Your dental record will remain confidential and secure. However from time to time we may need to release these to the NHS Business Service Authority as part of our on-going clinical review process. You may obtain a copy of your records upon request. An administration fee applies.

Friday, 18 March 2016 21:34

Terms & Conditions

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You can make an appointment by phoning 0141-959 4163 or call in person. Depending on availability, you can choose which dentist you would like to see.

Reminders and Recalls

At the end of the appointment, your dentist will discuss with you when you will need to make your next appointment. NHS dentists now follow guidelines issued by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. This means that you will attend as often as is needed to keep your teeth and gums healthy and may no longer need a checkup every six months.


If you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You will be charged if reasonable notice is not given. If you miss more than 2 appointments and give us less than 24 hour notice we may not be able to complete your treatment or offer you NHS care in the future.

Charges for Non-Attendance

£10 for every 15 minutes of appointment time (weekdays) £15 for every 15 minutes of appointment time (Saturday)

Friday, 18 March 2016 21:13

Your Rights & Responsibilities

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You are entitled to:

  • A thorough examination of your mouth, teeth and gums
  • A full explanation of your treatment options
  • A written treatment plan including costs( if applicable)
  • Information about NHS charges displayed in the waiting room
  • Advice on how to keep your teeth and gum healthy
  • Information about this practice and the service available
  • A care and treatment summary if you decide to transfer dentist
  • Make a complaint if you are not happy with your treatment and care

You are responsible for

  • Giving at least 24 hour notice if you have to cancel or change an appointment. If less notice is given or an appointment is failed to attend, a charge of £15 will be incurred for every 15 minutes of appointment time (which will have to be paid before any future appointments are made). This will be at the dentist’s discretion. However, if you miss more than 2 appointments we may no longer be able to off er you treatment.
  • Following your dentist’s advice to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Bring proof of entitlement when claiming help with the cost of NHS treatment. If no proof is shown your eligibility will be checked. Patients found to have incorrectly claimed help with the cost of NHS care may receive a penalty.
  • Paying your bill promptly and treating our staff with courtesy and respect. We will refuse to treat patients who are violent, fail to pay their bills or refuse to cooperate during treatment. In this case we will inform the patient and the local health authority.

Oral Health Improvement

The responsibility for the improvement of your oral health relies upon you understanding and acting upon your dentist recommendation, for example low sugar diet , regular brushing, and sensible alcohol consumption. If any recommendations are unclear please ask for further advice.


Wednesday, 28 May 2014 10:15


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Prices for NHS Dental Treatments

Any treatment offered (either NHS or private) will be estimated, discussed and agreed with you in advance.

Depending on your circumstances you may be exempt from NHS charges. NHS treatment is FREE for:

  • Everyone aged under 26.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers until the baby is 12 months old.
  • Those with certified exemption due to income.

Please ask reception staff for more details.

For typical common charges please visit the following NHS website:

Receiving NHS dental treatment in Scotland

Make an appointment0141-959 4163
Send us a messageinfo@annieslanddentist.co.uk
Visit us972 - 974 Crow Road, Glasgow