• Hello & Corridor
  • Front
  • Reception
  • The Children's Corner

Our services


Opening hours


Why us?

  • Andrew McCulloch
    Andrew McCulloch

    Great friendly dentist, from someone who is really nervous of dentist performed 2 procedures with no fuss and was very reassuring the whole time.

    Andrew McCulloch
  • Teresa Joyce
    Teresa Joyce

    First visit here this morning ... Never have I been put so at ease and listened to and treated as an individual with a huge fear of dentists .. Thank you.

    Teresa Joyce
  • Lhanna Frost
    Lhanna Frost

    I've been terrified of dentists for the past few years - these guys made me feel calm and relaxed which is hard to do! 
    Treatment plan was simple, concise and very reasonably priced. Never been happier with any other dentist, and would highly recommend the team for a stressless, pain free and relaxed dental visit. Definitely a customer for life now.

    Lhanna Frost
  • Robert Thomson
    Robert Thomson

    “Thanks for another year of fantastic dental care, from the moment a patient enters your surgery they are acknowledged, welcomed and put at ease. Add to that the first class dental work/care when needed and you have a very happy patient. Thanks especially to my dentist Mr Kar for keeping a smile on my face. I wish all the reception staff and dentists at surgery a Very Merry Christmas hope you all get what you hope for at Christmas and enjoy your short break.”

    Robert Thomson
Super User

Super User

Friday, 18 March 2016 21:34

Terms & Conditions


You can make an appointment by phoning 0141-959 4163 or call in person. Depending on availability, you can choose which dentist you would like to see.

Reminders and Recalls

At the end of the appointment, your dentist will discuss with you when you will need to make your next appointment. NHS dentists now follow guidelines issued by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. This means that you will attend as often as is needed to keep your teeth and gums healthy and may no longer need a checkup every six months.


If you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You will be charged if reasonable notice is not given. If you miss more than 2 appointments and give us less than 24 hour notice we may not be able to complete your treatment or offer you NHS care in the future.

Charges for Non-Attendance

£10 for every 15 minutes of appointment time (weekdays) £15 for every 15 minutes of appointment time (Saturday)

Friday, 18 March 2016 21:28

Useful Links

Name Description  

General Dental Council Register

Regulatory body for dental professionals

37 Wimpole Street
London, W1G 8DQ

Tel: 020 7887 3800



NHS24 provides comprehensive up-to-date health information and self care advice for people in Scotland

Caledonia House
Fifty Pitches Road
Cardonald Park
Glasgow, G51 4EB

Tel: 0141 337 4501
Fax: 0141 882 6764


Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Scotland's Omudsman for the handling of complaints

Bridgeside House,
99 McDonald House
Edinburgh, EH7 4NS

Tel: 0870 011 5378


Private Dental Complaints Service

Advisory body for Dental Patients and Dental Professionals

Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Croydon, CR0 6BA

Tel: 08456 120 540


Practitioner Services Scotland

Provide patient focused services, assisting patients as well as practitioners to maintain accurate and up-to-date patient registers.

Practitioner Services
NHS National Services Scotland
Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent
Edinburgh, EH12 9EB

Tel: 0131 275 6000


Friday, 18 March 2016 21:24


Welcome to Anniesland Essential Dental Care Practice

A Modern, Bright & Family Friendly NHS Dental Practice

Come along to our new and family friendly NHS dental practice. We are providing the full range of essential dental care to NHS and private patients in Anniesland and surrounding community. We welcome you to come and register with us for dental care and treatment. Dental check up is free.

  • Full range of NHS Services available
  • Private treatment available at competitive prices
  • Bright, modern & welcoming environment.

If you would like to arrange an appointment or require any further information, please call 0141 959 4163 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Your Friendly Dental Care Reception Area Kid's Corner

Friday, 18 March 2016 21:13

Your Rights & Responsibilities

You are entitled to:

  • A thorough examination of your mouth, teeth and gums
  • A full explanation of your treatment options
  • A written treatment plan including costs( if applicable)
  • Information about NHS charges displayed in the waiting room
  • Advice on how to keep your teeth and gum healthy
  • Information about this practice and the service available
  • A care and treatment summary if you decide to transfer dentist
  • Make a complaint if you are not happy with your treatment and care

You are responsible for

  • Giving at least 24 hour notice if you have to cancel or change an appointment. If less notice is given or an appointment is failed to attend, a charge of £15 will be incurred for every 15 minutes of appointment time (which will have to be paid before any future appointments are made). This will be at the dentist’s discretion. However, if you miss more than 2 appointments we may no longer be able to off er you treatment.
  • Following your dentist’s advice to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Bring proof of entitlement when claiming help with the cost of NHS treatment. If no proof is shown your eligibility will be checked. Patients found to have incorrectly claimed help with the cost of NHS care may receive a penalty.
  • Paying your bill promptly and treating our staff with courtesy and respect. We will refuse to treat patients who are violent, fail to pay their bills or refuse to cooperate during treatment. In this case we will inform the patient and the local health authority.

Oral Health Improvement

The responsibility for the improvement of your oral health relies upon you understanding and acting upon your dentist recommendation, for example low sugar diet , regular brushing, and sensible alcohol consumption. If any recommendations are unclear please ask for further advice.


Friday, 19 December 2014 14:05

Coming Soon

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Click the Save button to implement the new settings.

Title and description you can change in Extensions → Module Manager. Find module Our site is coming soon on position coming-soon. You can also publish different type of module if you like.

Coming Soon page can be easily customised in file - /templates/jm-template-name/tpl/comingsoon.php

Friday, 19 December 2014 14:05

Frequently Asked Questions

Ut lectus felis, facilisis nec erat at, pretium pellentesque lectus. Donec sit amet nibh est. Morbi augue libero, pretium vitae nulla ac, malesuada ultricies neque. Donec eget neque erat. Nam dictum justo sit amet placerat consectetur.

Maecenas laoreet, ligula vel scelerisque ultricies, lorem urna luctus odio, eget convallis urna erat quis justo. Morbi vel placerat nisl, ut tempor odio. Sed lacinia purus sit amet lorem dictum tincidunt. Nunc placerat egestas vehicula. Fusce eu risus sit amet metus sagittis volutpat vehicula porttitor elit. Sed fringilla purus sed mi scelerisque scelerisque. Donec vel enim ligula. Phasellus vulputate ac dui aliquet dapibus. Suspendisse ut vestibulum tellus, sed gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Donec sit amet eleifend tortor. In mattis velit ut nunc luctus ultrices. Nunc aliquet risus eget lorem dignissim, id imperdiet nulla ultricies. Sed euismod bibendum dui, vel faucibus quam tempor at. Etiam sagittis massa in urna sagittis, non viverra nibh placerat.

Cras eu quam vitae magna cursus adipiscing. Etiam quis mi lacus. Proin fermentum velit non ligula malesuada imperdiet. Sed sapien enim, porta vel tempus sed, suscipit quis nisl. In vestibulum ut massa eu feugiat. Nulla vestibulum ultrices felis sit amet dapibus. Suspendisse et ligula hendrerit, auctor justo vel, sagittis metus.

Mauris tincidunt quam eu pulvinar sagittis. Pellentesque imperdiet, purus vel feugiat pharetra, lectus velit scelerisque nisi, a aliquam nibh augue vel urna. In volutpat tellus et pulvinar varius. Aenean ultricies euismod rhoncus.

Nunc tincidunt eros ut mauris ullamcorper, vitae semper ligula convallis. Morbi tincidunt congue venenatis. Fusce at vestibulum nisl, et congue nisi. Vestibulum sollicitudin tellus id arcu vulputate, sit amet vestibulum est pulvinar.

Cras eleifend iaculis purus sed hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Sed congue semper consequat. Nam viverra semper libero, a luctus eros. Nulla porttitor commodo velit nec rhoncus. Vivamus blandit tellus risus, et hendrerit nisi aliquet ut. Ut imperdiet orci tellus, in tristique urna mattis eu. Pellentesque ligula nisl, hendrerit nec facilisis sit amet, faucibus ac nulla.

Morbi et consectetur ante. Etiam eu sodales tortor, ac dapibus lectus. In laoreet tempor felis, in ornare urna consequat sit amet. Praesent vehicula libero ac tellus rutrum ultrices. Sed eu consectetur libero, id varius massa. Quisque vestibulum tempus felis. Nulla interdum varius arcu nec accumsan.

Suspendisse pellentesque placerat risus id porttitor. Morbi elit nulla, tincidunt sit amet justo sit amet, adipiscing molestie quam. Proin hendrerit eleifend egestas. In erat enim, ultricies nec nunc mattis, sodales placerat lacus. Nam ultrices adipiscing volutpat.

Friday, 19 December 2014 14:04

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014 13:47


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla scelerisque magna et orci porttitor ullamcorper. Proin euismod pretium dolor non consectetur. Aliquam feugiat nunc ac justo hendrerit, non lobortis lacus condimentum.

Praesent vehicula libero ac tellus rutrum ultrices. Sed eu consectetur libero, id varius massa. Quisque vestibulum tempus felis. Nulla interdum varius arcu nec. Duis id erat nunc. Nam eu aliquam velit. Donec pretium sed quam quis pulvinar. Fusce felis ante, pulvinar ac metus et, adipiscing.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014 10:15


Prices for NHS Dental Treatments

Any treatment offered (either NHS or private) will be estimated, discussed and agreed with you in advance.

Depending on your circumstances you may be exempt from NHS charges. NHS treatment is FREE for:

  • Everyone aged under 26.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers until the baby is 12 months old.
  • Those with certified exemption due to income.

Please ask reception staff for more details.

Typical common charges are as follows and can be made by cash or
debit/credit card:

  • Check up - £0.00
  • Check up and 2 routine X-Rays - £11.04
  • Check up, enhanced preventive advice ond preventive treatments - £15.68
  • Emergency assessment and some emergency treatments - £15.68
  • Re-cement of crown - £15.68
  • Check up, oral hygiene and one session of deep gum treatment - £32.24
  • Review of gum health - £0.00
  • Check up, preventive advice, two small x-rays, one tooth extraction ond large metal filling on back tooth - £82.68
  • Emergency appointment and one tooth extraction - £28.84
  • Check up, 2 small x-rays root canal treatment and crown - £255.24-£384.00
  • Check up and full set of upper and lower dentures with special trays - £344.32-£384.00
  • Denture repair - £50.88
  • Check up, one small x·ray, one tooth extraction and f,t of a single tooth denture - £151.40
  • Check up, one small x-ray, study models (casts of teeth), and three tooth bridge - £384.00
  • Maximum patient charge for one course of treatment - £384.00
Thursday, 22 May 2014 13:49

Saturday Opening Hours

9 00 am
1 00 pm

* Non-NHS (by appointment only).

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Make an appointment0141-959 4163
Send us a messageinfo@annieslanddentist.co.uk
Visit us972 - 974 Crow Road, Glasgow